- A1 アシタカせっ記 (Ashitaka sekki) = The Legend Of Ashitaka 1:39
- A2 タタリ神 (Tatarigami) = The Demon God 3:49
- A3 旅立ち-西へ- (Tabidachi - nishi he -) = The Journey To The West 2:32
- A4 呪われた力 (Norowareta chikara) = The Demon Power 0:34
- A5 穢土 (Edo) = The Land Of The Impure 2:59
- A6 出会い (Deai) = The Encounter 0:50
- A7 コダマ達 (Kodamatachi) = Kodamas 2:27
- A8 神の森 (Kami no mori) = The Forest Of The Gods 0:38
- A9 夕暮れのタタラ場 (Yūgure no tataraba) = Evening At The Ironworks 0:39
- A10 タタリ神Ⅱ-うばわれた山- (Tatarigami Ⅱ - ubawareta yama -) = The Demon God II - The Lost Mountains - 0:56
- B1 エボシ御前 (Eboshi gozen) = Lady Eboshi 2:48
- B2 タタラ踏む女達-エボシ タタラうた- (Tatara fumu onnatachi - Eboshi tatara uta -) = Tatara Women's Work Song 1:27
- B3 修羅 (Shura) = The Furies 1:28
- B4 東から来た少年 (Higashi kara kita shōnen) = The Young Man From The East 1:25
- B5 レクイエム (Rekuiemu) = Requiem 2:21
- B6 生きろ (Ikiro) = Will To Live 0:29
- B7 シシ神の森の二人 (Shishigami no mori no futari) = San And Ashitaka In The Forest Of The Deer God 1:39
- B8 もののけ姫 インストゥルメンタルバージョン (Mononoke hime insuturumentarubājon) = Princess Mononoke - Theme Song Instrumental Version 2:08
- B9 レクイエムⅡ (Rekuiemu Ⅱ) = Requiem II 2:12
- C1 もののけ姫 ヴォーカル (Mononoke hime vōkaru) = Princess Mononoke - With Vocal 3:30
- C2 戦いの太鼓 (Tatakai no taiko) = The Battle Drums 2:45
- C3 タタラ場前の闘い (Tataraba mae no tatakai) = The Battle In Front Of The Ironworks 1:25
- C4 呪われた力Ⅱ (Norowareta chikara Ⅱ) = The Demon Power II 2:29
- C5 レクイエムⅢ (Rekuiemu Ⅲ) = Requiem III 0:53
- C6 敗走 (Haisō) = The Retreat 1:30
- C7 タタリ神Ⅲ (Tatarigami Ⅲ) = The Demon God III 1:12
- D1 死と生のアダージョ (Shi to sei no adājo) = Adagio Of Life And Death 2:08
- D2 黄泉の世界 (Yomi no sekai) = The World Of The Dead 1:27
- D3 黄泉の世界Ⅱ (Yomi no sekai Ⅱ) = The World Of The Dead II 1:32
- D4 死と生のアダージョⅡ (Shi to sei no adājo Ⅱ) = Adagio Of Life And Death II 1:04
- D5 アシタカとサン (Ashitaka to San) = Ashitaka And San 3:09
- D6 もののけ姫 ヴォーカル エンディング (Mononoke hime vōkaru endingu) = Princess Mononoke - Ending Theme Song With Vocal 1:23
- D7 アシタカせっ記 エンディング (Ashitaka sekki endingu) = The Legend Of Ashitaka - Ending Theme 5:01