LP1: Let's Dance
- A1. Modern Love
- A2. China Girl
- A3. Let'S Dance
- A4. Without You
- B1. Ricochet
- B2. Criminal World
- B3. Cat People (Putting Out Fire)
- B4. Shake It
LP2-3: Serious Moonlight (Live '83)-1
- A1. Look Back In Anger
- A2. “Heroes”
- A3. What In The World
- A4. Golden Years
- A5. Fashion
- A6. Let's Dance
- B1. Breaking Glass
- B2. Life On Mars?
- B3. Sorrow
- B4. Cat People (Putting Out Fire)
- B5. China Girl
- B6. Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)
- B7. Rebel Rebel
- C1. White Light / White Heat
- C2. Station To Station
- C3. Cracked Actor
- C4. Ashes To Ashes
- D1. Space Oddity/Band Introduction
- D2. Young Americans
- D3. Fame
- D4. Modern Love
LP4: Tonight
- A1. Loving The Alien
- A2. Don'T Look Down
- A3. God Only Knows
- A4. Tonight
- B1. Neighborhood Threat
- B2. Blue Jean
- B3. Tumble And Twirl
- B4. I Keep Forgettin'
- B5. Dancing With The Big Boys
LP5: Never Let Me Down
- A1. Day-In Day-Out
- A2. Time Will Crawl
- A3. Beat Of Your Drum
- A4. Never Let Me Down
- A5. Zeroes
- B1. Glass Spider
- B2. Shining Star (Makin' My Love)
- B3. New York's In Love
- B4. '87 And Cry
- B5. Bang Bang
LP6-7: Never Let Me Down 2018
- A1. Day-In Day-Out
- A2. Time Will Crawl
- A3. Beat Of Your Drum
- B1. Never Let Me Down
- B2. Zeroes
- B3. Glass Spider
- C1. Shining Star (Makin' My Love)
- D1. New York's In Love
LP8-10: Glass Spider (Live Montreal '87)
- A1. Up The Hill Backwards
- A2. Glass Spider
- A3. Day-In Day-Out
- A4. Bang Bang
- B1. Absolute Beginners
- B2. Loving The Alien
- B3. China Girl
- B4. Rebel Rebel
- C1. Fashion
- C2. Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)
- C3. All The Mad Men
- C4. Never Let Me Down
- D1. Big Brother
- D2. ‘87 And Cry
- D3. “Heroes”
- D4. Sons Of The Silent Age
- D5. Time Will Crawl / Band Introduction
- E1. Young Americans
- E2. Beat Of Your Drum
- E3. The Jean Genie
- E4. Let's Dance
- F1. Fame
- F2. Time
- F3. Blue Jean
- F4. Modern Love
LP11-12: Dance
- A1. Shake It (Re-Mix Aka Long Version) (Originally Released On The B-Side Of The ‘China Girl' 12” Single On Emi America 12ea 157 (U.K.) And V-7809 (U.S.) In May, 1983.)
- A2. Blue Jean (Extended Dance Mix) (Originally Released On 12” Single On Emi America 12ea 181 (U.K.) And V-7838 (U.S.) In September, 1984.)
- A3. Dancing With The Big Boys (Extended Dance Mix) (Originally Released On The B-Side Of The ‘Blue Jean' 12” Single Alongside An Extended Dub Mix Of The Same, Release Details As Above.)
- B1. Tonight (Vocal Dance Mix) (Originally Released On 12” Single On Emi America 12ea 187 (U.K.) And V-7846 (U.S.) In November, 1984.)
- B2. Don't Look Down (Extended Dance Mix) (Originally Released On The B-Side Of The ‘Loving The Alien' (Extended Dance Mix) 12” Single Alongside The ‘Loving The Alien' (Extended Dub Mix) On Emi America 12ea 195 (U.K.) And Vg-7858 (U.S.) In May, 1985.)
- B3. Loving The Alien (Extended Dub Mix) (Originally Released On The B-Side Of The ‘Loving The Alien' (Extended Dance Mix) 12” Single, Release Details As Above.)
- C1. Tumble And Twirl (Extended Dance Mix) (Originally Released On The B-Side Of The ‘Tonight' 12” Single Alongside A ‘Tonight' (Dub Mix), Release Details As Above.)
- C2. Underground (Extended Dance Mix) (Originally Released On 12” Single On Emi America 12ea 216 (U.K.) And V-19210 (U.S.) In June, 1986.)
- C3. Day-In Day-Out (Groucho Mix) (Originally Released On 12” Single On Emi America 12eax 230 (U.K.) And V-19239 (U.S.) In March 87)
- D1. Time Will Crawl (Dance Crew Mix) (Originally Released On 12” Single On Emi America 12eax 237 (U.K.) In June, 1987.)
- D2. Shining Star (Makin' My Love) (12” Mix) (Originally Released On The ‘Never Let Me Down' Digital E.P. On Emi 0094639278954 In May, 2007.)
- D3. Never Let Me Down (Dub/Acapella) (Originally Released On The B-Side Of The ‘Never Let Me Down' (Extended Dance Mix) 12” Single On Emi America 12ea 239 (U.K.) And V-19255 (U.S.) In August, 1987.)
LP13-15: Re:Call 4
- A1. Let's Dance (Single Version)
- A2. China Girl (Single Version)
- A3. Modern Love (Single Version)
- A4. This Is Not America (The Theme From ‘The Falcon And The Snowman') - David Bowie / Pat Metheny Group
- A5. Loving The Alien (Re-Mixed Version)
- B1. Don't Look Down (Re-Mixed Version)
- B2. Dancing In The Street (Clearmountain Mix) - David Bowie And Mick Jagger
- B3. Absolute Beginners
- B4. That's Motivation
- B5. Volare
- C1. Labyrinth Opening Titles/Underground
- C2. Magic Dance
- C3. As The World Falls Down
- C4. Within You
- C5. Underground
- D1. When The Wind Blows (Single Version)
- D2. Day-In Day-Out (Single Version)
- D3. Julie
- D4. Beat Of Your Drum (Vinyl Album Edit)
- D5. Glass Spider (Vinyl Album Edit)
- E1. Shining Star (Makin' My Love) (Vinyl Album Edit)
- E2. New York'S In Love (Vinyl Album Edit)
- E3. ‘87 And Cry (Vinyl Album Edit)
- E4. Bang Bang (Vinyl Album Edit)
- E5. Time Will Crawl (Single Version)
- F1. Girls (Extended Edit)
- F2. Never Let Me Down (7” Remix Edit)
- F3. Bang Bang (Live - Promotional Mix)
- F4. Tonight (Live) Tina Turner With David Bowie
- F5. Let's Dance (Live) Tina Turner With David Bowie